Congratulations to our Teacher of the Year candidates! Your dedication and passion for education make our schools truly remarkable. Thank you for instilling a love of learning in our children and for all the hard work you do every day. You inspire us all with your commitment to excellence. Keep up the fantastic work!
Newland Elementary - Ashley Calloway (Media Specialist) - Eleven years of teaching experience.
Riverside Elementary - Phoebe Fisher (5th Grade Teacher)
Banner Elk Elementary- Laura Berryman (Music/Art Teacher) Five years of teaching experience with Avery County Schools.
Avery County High School - Kristen Heckle (Exceptional Children Teacher)
Freedom Trail Elementary - Lane Hoit (Art Teacher)
Avery Middle School - April Pittman (Exceptional Children Teacher)
Crossnore Elementary - Faith Silver (Kindergarten Teacher) Four years of teaching experience.
Cranberry Middle School - Robert Tufts (Science Teacher)