Pre-K Director
Email Megan Pollard
828-733-6006, ext. 1511

Pre-Kindergarten Program
Mrs. Megan Pollard
Ms. Amanda Guy
Pre-K Coordinator
Email Amanda Guy
828-733-6006, ext. 1501
Avery County Schools Pre-Kindergarten Program is designed to meet the needs of four year old children. A special focus is directed toward children with special needs that include mental, physical and speech-language delays. The pre-kindergarten curriculum is based on the program philosophy established in Foundations: Early Learning Standards for North Carolina Preschoolers and Strategies for Guiding Their Success, a program based upon educational research describing the best practices for young children.
Avery County Schools Pre-Kindergarten Program is a component of Avery County Public Schools and operates under the Avery County Board of Education Policy Manual. The Program participates in the North Carolina Pre-Kindergarten Program.
Mission Statement
We believe all young children learn best participating in active play in a well-planned learning environment; they learn best by choosing what most interests them. Indoors and outdoors, children communicate, solve problems, develop self-help skills, and build motor skills. The classroom is arranged to help children interact socially and develop friendships. Teachers and teacher assistants ensure social and emotional growth by setting the classroom environment, interacting with the children in center-based play activities, and continually assessing the children's needs to further enhance learning. Parents are important partners in the planned learning opportunities that children experience in the pre-kindergarten program. And, since parents are the child's first and best teachers, regular communication promotes a strong relationship between the classroom teachers and parents, thereby greatly increasing the overall effectiveness of the young child's classroom experience.
Enrollment Information
Children registering for Pre-K must be:
4 years old on or before August 31
A resident of Avery County
Child is from a family whose gross income is at or below 75% of the State Median Income (SMI).
Children of certain military families are also eligible without regard to income
20% of age-eligible children enrolled may have family incomes in excess of 75% SMI if they have documented risk factors in specific categories including: Developmental Disability, Educational Need, or Chronic Condition.
Although a child may meet one or more eligibility factors, placement is not guaranteed in a NC Pre-Kindergarten Classroom.
Please note: Applying for pre-kindergarten does not assure the child will be offered placement. There is limited pre-kindergarten space at each of the sites, so there is not room for every child who registers. Each child who registers will be screened and children showing the greatest need for pre-school will be placed first. Others will be placed on a waiting list.
Avery County Pre-Kindergarten Sites
Banner Elk Elementary School
Children’s Castle
Crossnore Elementary School
Freedom Trail Elementary School
Newland Elementary School
Riverside Elementary School
Pre-K Summer Committee Meeting
August 4, 2025 12:30-1:30PM @ Avery County Board of Education