Healthcare Professionals Banner

Courses Offered

Avery High School 2024-2025

  • Health Science I                                                                             

    • Semester: Fall and Spring

    • Instructor: Hawkins

Health Science 1 is your gateway to the exciting world of healthcare professions. This introductory course provides a broad foundation in the knowledge and skills essential for success in this diverse field.

  • Health Science II                                                                           

    • Semester: Fall and Spring

    • Instructor: Hawkins

Having explored the foundations of health in Health Science 1, you're now ready to delve deeper into the exciting world of healthcare professions. This course will open your eyes to the vast array of career paths available, equip you with basic healthcare skills, and prepare you for further exploration in this dynamic field.


Joe Hawkins

Contact Information:

(828) 733-0151