Entrepreneurship Pathway Banner

Courses Offered

Avery High School 2025-2026

  • Entrepreneurship I                                                                           

    • Semester: Fall

    • Instructor: Coggins

If you have ever thought about what it would be like owning your own business, give Entrepreneurship I a try. There is no State Final Exam, as we will be working on a semester project that will include the following:

  • The Types of Business Ownership - so you will know which is best for you and your situation

  • Career Opportunities that are Available

  • Complete Self Assessments to help you determine the your correct path

  • Discuss the different Roles that Government and Business have in society

  • Complete a Lean Canvas Business Model (Business Plan Outline)

  • Complete a Marketing Plan to help assist in 

    • Promoting

    • Picking the Correct Target Market

    • What you ca do to set yourself apart from the competition

  • Supply Chains - where do you get your products to sell, how products are moved from who makes it to who uses it

  • How to determine the correct Price you should charge for your Products

  • How to determine your Costs (money going out) and Revenue (money coming in) that impact the business and which reports to utilize to better your business.

  • Entrepreneurship II                                                                      

    • Semester: Spring

    • Instructor: Coggins              

In Entrepreneurship II we take the Lean Canvas Business Model created in Entrepreneurship I and build upon it and expand it into a Business Plan.

We cover:

  • What a Business Plan is and why it is needed

  • The Components of a Business Plan

  • Creating an Organizational Plan

  • Discuss Professional Services businesses can use to assist in your business’ success

  • Discuss Start Up Expenses that are needed to start your business

  • Create a basis of how many products you must sell to break even

  • Discuss and create a plan to handle the different types of risk you will encounter

  • Touch on the main reporting statements a business will use: Income Statement, Balance Sheet

  • Discus what products and services a business should sell and how to choose the correct ones

  • Create a Promotional Plan and budget for your business

    • What types of advertisements to use

    • Create the ads

  • And take all of the above and create a Business Plan that you can use to take to a bank to assist in getting financed


- Inherently Honors in Bold



An image of Henry Coggins

Henry Coggins

Contact information:


(828) 733-0151