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Avery High School 2025-2026
Entrepreneurship I
Semester: Fall
Instructor: Coggins
If you have ever thought about what it would be like owning your own business, give Entrepreneurship I a try. There is no State Final Exam, as we will be working on a semester project that will include the following:
The Types of Business Ownership - so you will know which is best for you and your situation
Career Opportunities that are Available
Complete Self Assessments to help you determine the your correct path
Discuss the different Roles that Government and Business have in society
Complete a Lean Canvas Business Model (Business Plan Outline)
Complete a Marketing Plan to help assist in
Picking the Correct Target Market
What you ca do to set yourself apart from the competition
Supply Chains - where do you get your products to sell, how products are moved from who makes it to who uses it
How to determine the correct Price you should charge for your Products
How to determine your Costs (money going out) and Revenue (money coming in) that impact the business and which reports to utilize to better your business.
Entrepreneurship II
Semester: Spring
Instructor: Coggins
In Entrepreneurship II we take the Lean Canvas Business Model created in Entrepreneurship I and build upon it and expand it into a Business Plan.
We cover:
What a Business Plan is and why it is needed
The Components of a Business Plan
Creating an Organizational Plan
Discuss Professional Services businesses can use to assist in your business’ success
Discuss Start Up Expenses that are needed to start your business
Create a basis of how many products you must sell to break even
Discuss and create a plan to handle the different types of risk you will encounter
Touch on the main reporting statements a business will use: Income Statement, Balance Sheet
Discus what products and services a business should sell and how to choose the correct ones
Create a Promotional Plan and budget for your business
What types of advertisements to use
Create the ads
And take all of the above and create a Business Plan that you can use to take to a bank to assist in getting financed
- Inherently Honors in Bold