Classroom Phone Support
How do I set up my Classroom Phone voicemail?
Please put in a ticket to have your Phone voicemail setup.
What do I do with my phone if I move rooms?
Please do not move any of the classroom phones. Each phone is associated with a room number in the system for the purpose of identifying the location in case of an emergency call. If you are in a new space, please submit a Helpdesk ticket so we can make the change in the system.
What are all the phone button uses?
Linked below in the Phone User Manuals section are Quick user guides for each phone type in the district. This will give you a description on how to use all the phones buttons and uses like how to turn up the ring volume etc.
Phone Support Guides
These are quick user guides for the phone across the district. It will give a short description of all the button uses. The model of your phone is either on the back of the phones or displayed on the top of the phone or under the display screen.