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Alex Ramirez Tinoco
Student Services
(828) 733-0151 ext. 3578

Amanda Johnson
Student Services
(828) 733-6006 ext. 3508

Austin Lyons
Teachers Assistant
Exceptional Children
(828) 733-0151 ext. 3535

Benny Wellborn
Athletic Director/Teacher
(828) 733-0151 ext. 3523

Beverly Gambill
Media Specialist
Student Services
(828) 733-0151 ext. 3510

Cody Laws
Teacher - English
English and Foreign Languages
(828) 733-0151 ext. 3521

Dwayne Krege
Teacher - Ag Mechanics
Career and Technical Education
(828) 733-0151 ext. 3526

Gretchen Blackburn
Teacher - Horticulture
Career and Technical Education
(828) 733-0151 ext. 3569