Holiday Spirit Week Dec 16th-20th
8 days ago, Stephanie Thompson
Holiday Spirit Week Dec 16th-20th
Holiday Toy Market
19 days ago, Stephanie Thompson
Holiday Toy Market
Join us for our CMS/FTE Christmas !
19 days ago, Stephanie Thompson
Christmas Party Saturday 14th 5pm-8pm
Parents, you still have time to view and purchase your fall photos. Just click on the link below and follow the simple instructions. If you have any questions at all, please call our customer service number at: (877) 791-1676. Photo Link:
about 1 month ago, Emily Dellinger
If you do not have access to internet at your home please call the school and let Ms. Dellinger know as soon as possible. We may be able to help. 828.733.2932
about 1 month ago, Emily Dellinger
Please see the following picture about car line procedures beginning November 6th.
about 2 months ago, Emily Dellinger
Car line
HAT DAY THIS FRIDAY Please bring a minimum dollar donation FRI SEPT 27TH and your favorite hat to wear in honor of the Cheuvront family.
3 months ago, Stephanie Thompson
Next week is spirit week! Sept 16th-20th! Show us your best get ups for our themed days!
3 months ago, Stephanie Thompson
spirit week
Registration is open for all YMCA fall youth recreation programs for students in grades pre-K – 5th grade. Fall Recreation programs include rec soccer, swim team, SPIRIT dance program and club basketball. Monday, August 26th is the last day to sign up for some of these programs. For more information and to get registered, please visit
4 months ago, Avery County Schools
Picture day is tomorrow! You do not need to send in payment. You can order your child's pictures online. Please call the school with any questions 828 733-2932
4 months ago, Emily Dellinger
Come paint with REVEUR! Sept 5th @5:00PM, FTE Cafeteria $15 per Painter!
4 months ago, Stephanie Thompson
REVEUR Paint party
Today FTE 5th grade popcorn sale goes live! Follow the link below, proceeds go to support 5th grade Charleston trip.
4 months ago, Stephanie Thompson
5th Grade popcorn sale
GET READY FOR THE MOST EPIC OPEN HOUSE EVER!! We're talking live auction, people, and the prize is the coveted 'Patriot Pass' parking spot - because parking is the new cool. See you tomorrow night at 6:00 in front of the wheel! Open house 5:00-7:00
4 months ago, Emily Dellinger
open house
parking spot
Parents on our school facebook page and the school website is the school supply list as well as our open house announcement. Please be on the lookout for both. Open house is August 12th 5:00-7:00. Please call the school if you have any questions. Enjoy the rest of your summer break!
5 months ago, Emily Dellinger
Avery County Residents - Don't Have Cable or Fiber Internet Access in Your Home? Email the Broadband Office at Include your name, your address, your phone number and your email address. This information will help Avery County qualify for connectivity grants. The Avery County School district and the Avery County Government thank you for helping with this request.
8 months ago, Avery County Schools
Internet speed dial pointing to high.
Butter braids will arrive tomorrow. Plan to pick them up from the cafeteria anytime tomorrow between 2:30-4:00. Please call the school if you have any questions. 733-2932
8 months ago, Emily Dellinger
Don't Have Cable or Fiber Internet Access in Your Home? Please complete the survey at the following link to help Avery County expand access for our citizens.
8 months ago, Avery County Schools
Internet speed gauge reading a fast level
PARENTS - The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction is requesting your participation in the Digital Learning Dashboard Parent Survey. Information you provide will be used to help target areas of need and ensure that all NC students have adequate access to devices and the internet to access learning. Note that the information gathered will be kept private and confidential. - Access the survey at this link -
8 months ago, Avery County Schools
Clipboard holding Survey with boxes checked and a pencil
On Saturday, April 27th Freedom Trail PTO will host a community yard sale. To reserve a table call Brittany Beam at 828.387.7194.
8 months ago, Emily Dellinger
yard sale
Tomorrow is HAT DAY!! Bring your dollar and show your support for Ms Alisha! 👒🎩🧢🎓🤠
8 months ago, Emily Dellinger